How To Write An Artist Statement
1. Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee, carefully selecting which mug you will drink from.
2. Sit down at the computer
3. Decide you should first check you email.
4. Then check your blog.
5. Now, jot down a few key words and phrases about your work.
6. Get up and get a dictionary.
7. Remember that there was something you needed to do for your husband/wife, children, cat, dog, goldfish, etc. that must be taken care of immediately!
8. Return to the computer.
9. Realize you forgot the dictionary, and get up again.
10. Re-read your outdated artist statement or any sample statements.
11. Surf the web. Check out Molly Gordon's artist marketing advice again.
12. Go look for the thesaurus.
13. Refill your cup of tea or coffee while your up. (very efficient!)
14. Return to the computer.
15. Spend time reading your favorite blogs and post comments.
16. Call your mother.
17. Write a few disconnected sentences, in an attempt to organize your thoughts about you work.
18. Realize it's time for lunch/dinner and stop for a "break."
19. Balance checkbook and pay bills.
20. Return to the computer, serious now about getting to work.
21. Why do you make the work you do?!
22. Decide you should go into the studio to look at your work again.
23. Make more notes about your work, the materials you use, reoccurring themes, etc.
24. Check the mail. Hope for a response from some of the show you've entered
25. Return to the computer. Realize that you've run out of time for the day, but vow to really focus tomorrow.
The above procedure can be repeated for weeks until the Perfect Artist Statement is complete.
Happy writing!
Funny, I did the same thing while writing a grant for my kiln, I guess this could apply to both! Enjoyed this, thanks.
You're right! It could apply to grant writing, filing out applications, updating your bio... the procrastination possibilities are endless!
ah yes, avoidance techniques 1-25 I know them well.....
Cracked me up. I also clicked on your link to Molly Gordon's post on writing an artist statement. Helpful! (That is, it will be helpful when I actually set out to revise my outdated statement. Some day. After I find the thesaurus. And balance my checkbook.)
A friend of mine sent me the link to your blog~ I gotta say... I love your "How to Write An Artist Statement." Sounds like attention deficit... which also sounds a lot like me! Seriously, your work looks amazing! I'm a beginning art student (at 42!) & love to check out other's work... I'm so happy to see the clay blog list, too!
Thanks Becky! Glad you enjoyed the humor in this "how to" post! he he. Good luck with your work and if you ever have any questions, just let me know.
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