Todd's Texture - Cone 04
Gerstley Borate 30
Zircopax 40
Whiting 20
EPK 10
[Base, mint green, light turquoise, turquoise]
For color add...
mint green: + chrome oxide 0.5%
light turquoise: + copper carbonate 1%
turquoise: + copper carbonate 5%
[Detail, light turquoise]
PS - Anyone happen to know who Todd is? I got this recipe off of a list from somewhere years ago, and have no idea who he is. But he makes a great glaze!
Don't know who Todd is, but really like this glaze too. Been trying some other low fire texture glazes. Will send you the new "favorite" Flamedrops after I get into the studio. Thanks for all your posts.
Great art. I'm doing some sculpting also. Beautiful finished piece.
Looking forward to seeing the other lowfire texture glazes you use!
If anyone else has any favorite glazes they'd like to share, please pass them along! I'm happy to post what comes this way.
Could it be Todd Leech? He works in textured glazes.
Yes! I just might be Todd Leech! Thanks for helping solve the mystery.
This is Todd Leech but this is not my glaze. Thanks for thinking of me though when you think of texture. I usually fire to cone 10. Although last year I was testing some 04 textured glazes...
Hi Todd,
Well, thanks for checking in. I guess the mystery continues. Wonder who came up with this glaze...
What About Todd Shanafelt?
It could be! I wasn't familiar with his work. Thanks for letting me know about him.
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