
Monday, June 23, 2008

A Running Start

Ben welcomed me back last night with a fabulous grilled dinner and pecan pie for dessert! After being gone 12 days and spending all day in the car - just me and an audio book - it was so great to be back home!

I was so anxious to get settled back in and get down to work today on all the ideas that started to form while I was in Asheville.

But, true to both my luck and clumsy nature, I sprained my ankle this morning! I work up early
to go for a quick run before the guys came to install the insulation in the studio, and tripped over a curb. I could barely limp back home! Grrr! Frustrating!

Glad someone else was working on construction today so we could still make some progress.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the sweet compliments! I felt recharged as well!
    Ooh...sorry about your ankle! Take it easy! Joy
