
Monday, August 18, 2008

Save Arrowmont!!

The Pi Beta Phi Fraternity, specifically the seven person Grand Council, has started negotiations to sell and develop the land on which Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts current leases in Gatlinburg, TN. Pi Beta Phi has owned and used this property for education since 1912 and it has been home to the Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts since 1968. This sale would have an incredible impact on the School.

There is talk of the developers wanting to use the property to build new condos and an indoor water park. However there is a lot of information that is not known at this point and even more unconfirmed speculation. This news became public today as a front page article in the local paper.

Please check here to read the fraternity's statement that is the main article on their homepage:

Arrowmont posted an official statement on their website today as well. Read here.

The email address of Pi Phi Grand President, Emily Tarr is I have been unable to find a mailing address. If you could make the time, please email Mrs. Tarr this week to voice your opinion regarding the potential sale of this property. The board will be meeting again on Friday.

Additional news links:

News: Knox News

News: Knox News

News: Z-wire

Thank you so much! We need to show our support for Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts.



  1. please sign the petition online to support Arrowmont.

  2. This was incredible news. I've been so fortunate to have been to Arrowmont for two amazing workshops. Am going to email and sign the petition. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Please go to the Save ARROWMONT website:

  4. Please visit the Save Arrowmont website:

    Concerned citizens and artisans are attempting to organize
