
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back for a Bit

Whew! I just got back from a fabulous 2 week trip out to CA! Thank you everyone for your travel itinerary suggestions!

Ben and I spent our first weekend in San Francisco before heading up to the Point Reyes National Seashore. We stayed in an amazing little cottage and spent all week hiking the area. Absolutely gorgeous weather and amazing views and scenery! Oh, managed to fit in a day trip to Sonoma for some wine tasting. Spent a couple days driving down the coast on the Pacific Coast Highway (again, absolutely beautiful!!) Then a couple nights visiting friends in Santa Barbara and onto LA. For my first trip out to California, we sure were able to fit a lot in!

I'd post pictures, but... my camera broke!! It worked the first weekend, so I have a few pictures from SF that I can share later, but then it just died randomly! My husband had his nice SLR loaded with black and white, so we will still have some pictures from our hikes, but it will be a while before he's able to get into the darkroom to develop them.

So, my question is, does anyone have a great point-and-shoot digital camera that they can recommend? something smallish and affordable, but with good quality photos because I'll also need it for portfolio pics.

Lots of catching up to do! (Especially because I'm heading out of town again on Friday.)

Gotta go,


  1. My wife and I love our little Canon Powershot A720IS.

    It's a nice point and shoot, plus it can even take movies. We played around with that a bit this past weekend and it does a decent job.

  2. Sorry your camera died. That sucks. We just went to Ritz Camera to get my Mom a point and shoot (hers had died as well) and she ended up with a Panasonic Lumix that has a 10x zoom, it was on sale for $179. It's an awesome little camera. I have a Sony Cybershot that's ok. Good luck. - Laura
