
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yes, Yes, Still Testing.

Back at glazing again today. Of my 24 favorites from my previous testing, I chose 9 to cross/layer with each other to see what kind of effects I can achieve. (I actually would have liked to test more, but I ran out of bisque tiles.) My goal is to have these new glazes ready for new ceramic work by 2009.

Tonight, I'm waiting for a kiln to cool so I can load up these and fire away. Yesterday I fired a small load with experimental glass work. I'm anxious to see those results as well.

I've been doing some much needed computer work while I wait for that kiln to cool. Hopefully I have things straightened out with Blogger. I made some changes to my my format and feed burner. Wow, do these things take time! It's been tough for me trying to figure out how to do all this fancy web-stuff. Thank you Ang, Brian and Will for your advice and on-line tutorial recommendations. I can use all the help I can get.

Hope you're doing well wherever you may be.


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