
Friday, January 9, 2009

Artist Interview

Hi Everyone,

Painter, web guru, and fellow artist blogger, Constance Humphries, has started a monthly interview series intended to highlight the life and art of contemporary artists. Constance was nice enough to ask me to be her first interviewee! How did I get started in art? What are my influences? What inspires me when things get tough? How do you balance art with business? It's all posted today on her blog, so please check it out when you get a moment.

Constance Humphries, "Step like a giant"
2008, oil on canvas

Happy Friday,


  1. Great interview - congrats on being first!

  2. Congratulations on your interview- it was great to read a bit of highlights about what and why you make what you make. I envy your ability to stick to the 1/3 rule!

  3. Thanks Judy and Amy! It's tough trying to stick to the 1/3 rule, but I'm sure I'll be asking you for pointers on how to balance art and babies when our day comes to start a family. :)

  4. thank you! I enjoyed reading the interview, will check out the names of influences, and definately think more about 1/3 and balance in life.
