
Friday, March 13, 2009

Exhibiting at the Appleton Museum of Art

There's great news to share with you! This afternoon I received a phone call from the Appleton Museum of Art here in Ocala, FL. They would like to feature my work this June in their balcony gallery! Needless to say I am very excited about this opportunity!

But this also means that I have 2 1/2 months to make 164 linear feet of work. It's time to get busy. Really Busy! I will be spending even more time in the studio, and even less time on the computer. But when a museum calls wanting to feature your work, you don't say, "let me think about it." You jump in full force with plenty of focus and determination.

Whisper, earthenware clay, low fired crawl glazes, 20" x 16" x 1 1/2"

I do hope to write a post soon on how a little art marketing, self promotion and a positive attitude helped make this opportunity happen. Until then, thanks for reading and sharing the excitement with me! It's going to be a crazy spring time around here. Hang on!



  1. Congratulations on the museum gig! That's big time! It would be interesting to hear how the whole proccess progresses when you finally have time to get beack on here. Good luck!

  2. Yeah Meagan! Go girl! Put on those tunes and have fun! Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations!!
    I can't wait to see what you come up with with all the new glazes and surfaces you've been experimenting with lately.

  4. Thanks Rob, Joy and Brian! I'll post pictures of the progress when I can!

  5. Congratulations! Very good news. Can't wait to see the work.
