
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Work - In Progress

After a frustrating studio week last week, I think my thoughts have settled down a bit. Whew! I'm feeling much more like myself now.

Here are a few images of the pieces I made while allowing myself to just "play" and enjoy the process. We'll see where they take me. I don't know about you, but for me it can be difficult at times to just create without being overly critical of my creations. Left and right brain interference.
The forms of this wall piece are more involved than my usual work and I incorporated some of the slip stippling that I have been doing on my Minis. I still want to push this idea further, and work on activating the negative space between the 2 forms a little more.

I'm also playing around with the idea of grouping my Minis into different configurations. Here's my first attempt at this.
I fired a bisque kiln off last night, and it's cooling now. It's mostly loaded with this new, experimental work, but there are a couple orders and a few pieces for the solo show I have at the Ocala Civic Theater in a few weeks. In the mean time, I'm switching back to glass work to finish up a few tile pieces. Pictures soon.

Off to the studio!


  1. I think I understand, but would you mind giving some sort of tutorial on the slip stippling technique you do? it's super interesting :O)


  2. Hi Kyle! I'd be happy to do a post on the slip techniques I use. Let me get some photos together and I'll post something next week. Thanks for asking!

  3. The new work is outstanding! I especially love the grouped minis, but I do have something of a circle fetish, so... I am definetely going to have to get some of your work some time.

  4. its looking like rock formations, or is it the top of a chocolate milkshake?? lovely sideways step to your minis..

  5. Hey Rob and Ang!
    Thanks for stopping in and checking out the new work. Though I am sad to report that the circle/rock piece experienced a mishap during firing. One of the forms is completely cracked. Bummer. But now I can use it for more glaze experiments...

  6. I love that new fleur de lis -ish form. I don't know if I'm describing it correctly but it's beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished. You have an amazing feel for color.

    michele d.

  7. Hi Michele, Funny you should say that! I grew up in Baton Rouge and most of my extended family is still there. I did the sketch for that piece right after my cousin came to visit and we were talking about fleur de lis. Guess those images are somewhere in my subconscious. Louisiana is a magical place.

    Thanks for stopping in a commenting!
