For me, blogging is a great chance to clarify my thoughts about choices behind my work, and to show my inspirations behind the pots. Seeing those quiet musings in real words is different than just thinking it. Sharing it also helps others learn the voice of the potter behind the pots. I've always felt you can tell a lot about a potter from their pots. Just like people matching their dogs, potters often match their pots! That's why it's so neat for potters to raise their voices and share the inner workings of their studios. Blogging also brings about a sense of community between other potters and artists alike, who can learn, be inspired, or simply relate to the ramblings of the self employed artist."
I completely agree with Joy! While she talks specifically about pottery, I think her comments apply to other blogs as well - sculpture, painting, jewelry, woodworking, etc. Blogging has been a great way for me to share what I am working on and build a community of support.
Thank you Meredith for curating should be an exciting event! I'm looking forward to exhibiting some new work. (Which by the way is undergoing a lot of radical changes. I'll post images as soon as I'm ready for the world to see what's been going on behind the scenes.)
Hi Meagan- great post thanks for helping to get the word out there.
I am very excited to see this show come together.
I can't wait to see your new work i am a big fan of what you are doing now.
Congrats! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings.I love your work.Unluckily I'm from Argentina and can't visit you.
so glad you will be in the show--your work is amazing!
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