Though I had hoped to do more blogging during my journey, I found I ultimately needed to spend more time focusing on being a student and becoming more immersed in my work.
But I did want to take a moment to reflect on the past two semesters - what I've learned, what I'll miss, what I'm excited about for the future. The past few weeks, people kept asking, "So, was it worth it? Did you get everything out of the program you had hoped? Was it was you expected?" My simple answer is a hands-down "YES"!

Not pictured - Fall Graduate TA Kristin Schimik & Spring Graduate TA Charlie Cummings.
What I will miss the most is definitely the people! We truly had a wonderful group. We worked well together - sharing ideas, constructive criticism, and good times. For me, getting out of my studio at home and interacting with other people was priceless. I learned so much from just working in the same room as these artists! There were definitely ah-ha moments when I would observe how someone was constructing a piece or we would problem solve together.
Overall, I wasn't at school, on-campus as much as I would have liked to have been. It was tough juggling the UF-student world, with my married, Ocala world, but I think I did it without compromising too much of either. Commuting back and forth to Gainesville and coordinating what materials, work, and tools to haul on what days was a challenge. One thing's for sure, I definitely will NOT miss that hour-long commute, the subsequent fight for parking, the bus ride to the art building, and then the commute back home!
So, what did I learn? Wow! That's a hard one to put into words, but I'll do my best to sum it up.
I learned that when you push yourself to stretch in new directions, great things can happen. I learned that if you feel like you know what you're doing, the you're probably not growing enough. (It's also ok not to know what you're doing for a while, but important to keep on working.) I learned to think more critically about my work and analyze it from a different perspective. I gained confidence. I was humbled. I learned new techniques. And I started a new direction with my work.
Overall, I wasn't at school, on-campus as much as I would have liked to have been. It was tough juggling the UF-student world, with my married, Ocala world, but I think I did it without compromising too much of either. Commuting back and forth to Gainesville and coordinating what materials, work, and tools to haul on what days was a challenge. One thing's for sure, I definitely will NOT miss that hour-long commute, the subsequent fight for parking, the bus ride to the art building, and then the commute back home!
So, what did I learn? Wow! That's a hard one to put into words, but I'll do my best to sum it up.
I learned that when you push yourself to stretch in new directions, great things can happen. I learned that if you feel like you know what you're doing, the you're probably not growing enough. (It's also ok not to know what you're doing for a while, but important to keep on working.) I learned to think more critically about my work and analyze it from a different perspective. I gained confidence. I was humbled. I learned new techniques. And I started a new direction with my work.
Opening Reception: April 9, 2010, WarpHAUS gallery, Gainesville, FL
Here are a few quick snapshots of the work/artists in our group. None of these photos do the work any justice, so I encourage you to check out the website links where provided.
I failed to get a good picture of Rebecca Rhyne's final presentation. She had her work, a series of 5 ceramic heads depicting intense emotion, thoughtfully installed in a small room off the side of the main gallery.
Though school is done, the learning never truly stops. I finished up the semester full of ideas for new work. I'm looking forward to getting back into my studio to start these new projects.
Also, I cannot wait to get back to into our garden! It has been sadly neglected, and is in need of immediate attention! I often find it ironic that I spend days in the studio making work about being out in the garden. So, it's time for me to get outside, enjoy Spring, and be inspired!
Thanks for reading along. I hope to be checking in more often from now on.
Congrats on finishing the program and a lot of hard work!
I like the new work, can't wait to see where it goes.
what a wonderful program.
Thanks for sharing the work!
Congrats Meagan! The pieces in the show look great. You deserve some garden-time!
wow you made it, congrats isn't it great going back to study..have done that a couple of times myself and felt like i learnt so much more than the first time round.. look forward to seeing some of you new work, cheers ang
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