
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Finding Unexpected Advice

I have to admit I've been a bit frantic lately. With our first Baby due in about 5 weeks, the list of To Do's seems to be getting longer, rather than shorter. Overall, I feel I've managed to stay relatively calm and low stress.

But I found a nice, unexpected bit of advice in the Ethan Allen catalog that showed up in our mail last week... Granted, they are referring to furnishing a living room, but I instantly saw how this could apply to my life.

See, I'm planning to take a 6-month maternity leave. To do this, I'm trying to make sure the galleries I work with are well stocked and ready for the holidays and beyond. This means that I'm trying to make 6-months of work in about 8 weeks. (And finish all the projects my husband and I had started around the house, and put together a nursery.)
250 tile plaques in various stages.
I've been cutting, burning, and polyurethane-ing like crazy!

But, then"Relax. You don't have to do it all at once." Though I understand that life as I know it it about to change forever, I do not have to get everything done before Baby's born. Things will be crazy and new, but we will find our way, settle into a routine, and I will get back into the studio.
making progress...

So for me, unfortunately, posting to this blog is one of the first things to go when the list gets too long. I realize I still haven't written what I wanted to about my July residency in Montana or my more recent classes at Arrowmont and Penland (which were both great by the way!) Or a post on how I made the slab-built tumblers. Or talked about the Fall Open House at CURVE studios & garden in Asheville this weekend. But I'm doing what I can.

So, with that, I'm off to the studio. With the majority of the backings complete, it's time to switch over to making the tiles.

Cheers! And thanks for listening!



  1. As the Queen mum said during WWII, Keep Calm and Carry On! I'm impressed!

  2. I know what you mean. My lists seem to grow faster than they get checked off. You seem prepared, though! Maybe I'll see you at Curve in October/November(?)!

  3. babies don't wait and all the other stuff will.
    When the baby comes relax and enjoy,enjoy,enjoy!
    it was a time in my life I would not trade for anything!
    But being prepared will help your transition.

  4. Thanks for the encouragement y'all!! I'll be sure to post an update and photos when Baby comes.

  5. You will find time to get into your studio again Meagan. Good luck with the baby, and do post some pics.

    Joy Elizabeth

  6. wow.. how cool and how organized you's to the new addition..catch up when ya can, cheers matey :))
