
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Insight from a Pi Phi

I received the following email and (with the permission of the anonymous Pi Phi writer) wanted to pass it along...

"I saw your post and thought I would write you - The "It's only the land vs. Future of Arrowmont" is a calculated ploy by the Grand Council to get the Artistic community off their backs - do not fall for this. They have 2 members (Emily Tarr and Karen Price) who sit on the Board of Governors for Arrowmont. David would have to answer to the Board anyway. They have not been upfront with information and I hardly think selling the land out from underneath Arrowmont constitutes a good faith attempt to "help" the school- they are hiding behind confidentiality agreement etc. - it is not pretty. This is something that the community, artists and right-thinking Pi Phis must stand united on to even have a chance of success- they are very not let them split you all up. There is still time to help Arrowmont later if the worst happens, but so not let that distract you now. Thanks for listening."

Thank you to everyone who has already signed the petition! We have over 1,000 signatures and there's still time to sign, pass it along, or send your thoughts in an email before the board meets on Friday!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. meagan,
    thanks so much for all that you are doing. the petition is filling up fast.
    we are encouraging people to email emily tarr and karen price to urge them to resign from the arrowmont board IMMEDIATELY, due to the obvious conflict of interests.
    also, there is a protest planned along the parkway on friday. i don't know the particulars, but people are definitely talking about it. if you have pi phi contacts in that area, urge them to attend a protest. emily and karen should not be on the arrowmont board for this meeting.
    keep up the good work!
