
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pave Paradise and Put Up a Water Park?!?

I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming response we've been receiving regarding the sale of property leased by Arrowmont! There has been an amazing show of support. Thank you!

If you haven't done so, and are interested, here is the link for the petition that is being circulated.

I will do my best to pass along updated information as it becomes available to me. My current understanding is that the Grand Council of Pi Beta Phi views the sale of the property independent of the future of Arrowmont; that Arrowmont's future is beyond their control and that it is up to the Arrowmont Board to determine that future.

Does Pi Beta Phi have any responsibility or accountability for the future success (at least in the short term) of Arrowmont? Is it reasonable for Pi Beta Phi to sell this property without consideration of the impact? I suggest that you also write the Arrowmont Board with your questions and views on the subject, and to ask what they are doing to ensure the future of Arrowmont.

Below is the email address for David Willard, Director of Arrowmont. I am currently working on an email list for then entire Arrowmont Board.

Thank you again for your support and dedication to the arts!


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