I am beyond grateful that I have a job that allows me the flexibility to be with our son!!
There's a part of me that wants to spend every waking moment watching Cooper learn and grow. (And believe me, there are still plenty of WAKING moments!) And then there's the part of me that aches to be out in the studio - feeling creative and independent.
Some days these thoughts are at peace with each other. Other days, honestly, it's a struggle that leaves me feeling frustrated, upset, angry, frightened, and at a loss for knowing what to do or how to proceed - both in and out of the studio.
And then, this toothless grin smiles up at me, my heart melts, and all is right in the world.

And the studio will still be there when we're ready.
LOOK at that BABY!
We all understand and have stood in those shoes.
The clay will wait while he will not.
Take deep breaths and in time it will all come back to you.
Look at that little darling! I just want to eat him up Meags! So sweet! I go back next week. You inspired me. I wrote my "work sucks and I have to go back" post a little while ago. http://somebodysparents.blogspot.com/
Oh girl! I hate to tell you.... I have a 17 year old and she leaves for college this year and I will FINALLY have time to do all the things I want to. She got 17 years of my full and mostly undivided attention and I'm glad I will have clay to fill that empty space when she leaves. Cliche yes, but the time flew by so fast!
Enjoy every single second with that baby, make some time for yourself so you don't get resentful, and hang on for the ride of your life :)
He is sooooo cute!!!
hey meagan great to hear from you, take your time you seem to have your hands full :)) great onesie...
I have been in those shoes. I moved continent, got into art college (at 28) when circumstances dictated I start my family while I could. Once the third son was in school full days, I was back into my ceramics any way I could. Meanwhile I had keep up to date and built my knowledge just out of interest. The clay will always be there, he will NOT. These early years are irreplacable. If you can afford to take more time off to be the Mom you want to be, then do. Trying to balance that, plus marriage plus other stuff is hard and makes you a more stressed less happy healthy you, which is what your partner and child and YOU need you to be. you already know the answer - you just need to sit still long enough to let yourself hear it. Have faith in yourself.
He is beautiful! Enjoy every moment!
What a cute little one! (nice life sized scultpture!)
Good for you Megan. Glad you are back!
He is so cute! Like tracy said Hold on tight, it goes by so fast. (and i'm only 13 months into it) ;)
I am overwhelmed by the cuteness. I just want to nibble his cheeks. LOL I so miss the days when my now-nine-year-old was little. Happy mommy sigh. hehe He's beautiful Meaghan, and very happy from the looks of it, you are blessed.
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