One month. Well, 32 days actually. That’s how long I’ll be in Montana for this amazing residency opportunity! Part of me stresses that it is to short. Part of me worries it is too long.
I know my studio days will be full and I will need to be focused to accomplish my goals. Working with clay involves coordinating a fairly tight timeline of making, drying, firing, and glazing.
The other part of me is already a bit homesick. One month seems like a long time to be away from home and my husband. It’s not like we’ve never spent time apart. Heck! The whole first 2 ½ years of our relationship was long-distance.
It’s just that he is my sounding board. He knows how to inspire me and help with the practical challenges. And he knows how to relax and support me like no one else! But we both understand what an important opportunity this is for me, my art, and my career. So, when I received an offer to come out here, he was behind it 110%.
Today is Day 1 and I’m ready to let the month begin! I arrived safe and sound last night and started the process of getting settled into my new home. I have a relaxing day ahead of me before moving into the studio tomorrow. I’m looking forward to days full of new friends, stimulating conversations, good food, studio inspiration, and amazing weather!
My husband and I in March 2008 taking a break from a day's work building the studio back home in Ocala, FL. For more studio construction photos, click here.
I know my studio days will be full and I will need to be focused to accomplish my goals. Working with clay involves coordinating a fairly tight timeline of making, drying, firing, and glazing.
The other part of me is already a bit homesick. One month seems like a long time to be away from home and my husband. It’s not like we’ve never spent time apart. Heck! The whole first 2 ½ years of our relationship was long-distance.
It’s just that he is my sounding board. He knows how to inspire me and help with the practical challenges. And he knows how to relax and support me like no one else! But we both understand what an important opportunity this is for me, my art, and my career. So, when I received an offer to come out here, he was behind it 110%.
Today is Day 1 and I’m ready to let the month begin! I arrived safe and sound last night and started the process of getting settled into my new home. I have a relaxing day ahead of me before moving into the studio tomorrow. I’m looking forward to days full of new friends, stimulating conversations, good food, studio inspiration, and amazing weather!

yay meagan! so glad you are safe and sound. you'll have a great month out in mt; the only thing that would make it better is if me and nigel were on our way too! hi to hannah!
hey meagan have the best time..it will fly by once you get started, congrats and enjoy..
I hear you on the husband thing... you said it perfectly, and it's sometimes a little hard to explain to people who don't have a similar relationship.
Have fun! It's sure to be a productive and inspirational time!
Thank you Cheyenne, Ang and Vicki! I'm already having a blast and getting lots done in the studio!
Cheyenne - wish you were here too. But it's fun having your work around. (The real thing and poster images.)
Vicki - Glad to hear you have a supportive husband too. It truly makes a huge difference! Hope you get your sketchbook back soon! I understand the separation anxiety!
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