Well, the progress was slow but the pace was steady. I finally finished up this piece and had it photographed just before the holidays. (Thank you Charlie Cummings for the wonderful photos!)
Tribella familiae
earthenware, cast glass, steel, found objects
20" x 10" x 11"

I'm excited about this piece. It presented a lot of technical challenges that I slowly hammered my way through. (clay shrinkage to account for, found objects to add, glass to cast, and then recast, etc)

As with any new sculpture, I can see places I'd like to develop further in the next piece, but that's what keeps the work exciting. Growth and change. And there's been a lot of that going on around here lately. Our "baby" is almost 15 months old and he keeps his Mama on her toes! Sometimes juggling everything feels like a 3-ring circus, but I'm learning to embrace the chaos and relish studio time.
Cheers to a New Year!
Wow how very wonderful!
Enjoy the baby next thing you know he will be looking for your car keys!
what a beautiful piece! love it! glad your still creating beautiful things while being a momma! priorities, priorities, sometimes they are hard to place in the correct order! blessing to you and your sweet family! : )
Meredith and Amber, Thanks for the encouragement! It's great to have support out there!
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