It's been like that for me these last couple days. It started first thing yesterday morning... I went out to the studio to put a coat of polyurethane on the steel and wood pieces for my tile plaques so that they would be ready for the 2nd coat by the time I got back from the gym/errands. It was about 7:15am and just as I was feel great about being so efficient, I somehow managed to knock the can of polyurethane over - spilling 1/2 of it all over me and creating a giant puddle on the floor. It was such a huge sticky mess! Ugh!
The setbacks continued today - again with my tile plaques. After all the polyurethane dried, I glued the steel and wood together, and then (after that was dry) glued the tiles to the steel. (Just like I always do.) While I was gluing the plaques together, I ran out of one tube of silicone and had to switch to a new one. Well, for whatever reason, none of the plaques I glued with the 2nd tube dried last night! I only had about 15 completely finished, and the other 60 or so will have to be redone! Again, a sticky mess! Ugh.
Hope your day is going smoothly,