Thought I'd take a moment to share some, well, personal news with you.
This is not your typical artwork-in-progress blog post. My current "project" brings with it a lot of exciting changes, hard work, unexpected adventures, and unconditional love.
My husband and I are expecting our first child the end of October! Needless to say, we are very excited about our growing family and our little bundle of joy.
Though this is a planned addition, I must admit that I have had my moments of panic and uncertainty. How in the world can I be an artist
and a mother at the same time!? Or a mother
and an artist? I
already feel that there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done!
Being the type-A personality that I am, I was hungry for answers, advice and information. So to ease my fears and concerns, I started my "research."

In addition to reading the usual pregnancy and child rearing books, I dove into
The Divided Heart: Art and Motherhood by Rachel Power and I highly recommend it to any artist-mother with questions or concerns about work-life balance.
Here's a little about the book from the
publisher's website.
"Do women still confront the attitude that a dedicated artist will avoid having children for the sake of her career? In The Divided Heart, Australia’s most respected artists, writers and actors speak frankly about the wrench between motherhood and their artistic life. Rachel Power navigates through the divided heart of the artists to reveal the shocking, funny and moving truth of the overwhelming demands of motherhood and the undiminished passion for their work.
This book will resonate with anyone who has ever wondered, ‘Who will I be when this baby is born?’"
Links to other helpful info:
Clay Parent - Mud Mamas and PapasStudio Mothers: Art and Life (just found this one)

Our growing "bean" at 18 weeks. Boy? Girl? Time will tell. We're keeping it a surprise.
Thank you for reading and sharing our excitement with us!